Creative Tiling Qld Pty Ltd

Over 46 years experience.

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Wall Area Calculator

Entered Wall Dimensions:

    Total Wall Length: 0 m

    Total Wall Area: 0

    Creative Tiling - Calculators   Version - Beta 0.60.5
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    How to Use  Wall Area Calculator

    Enter Wall Length:

    Type the length of a wall section into the 'Wall Length (m)' field. Wall height is pre-set to standard height of 2.4m, if you your ceilings are lower or higher please adjust the height accordingly

    Add Length:

    Click 'Add Length' to add this wall section to your total. The length will appear in a list below, and the input field will reset for you to enter another length.

    Enter Wall Height: 

    Once all lengths are added, enter the wall's height in the 'Wall Height (m)' field.

    Calculate Total Area: 

    Click 'Calculate Total Area' to see the total area of all wall sections combined, displayed at the bottom.
    Reset: If you need to start over, click 'Reset' to clear all inputs and the list of lengths.

    Tips for more accurate measuring

    1. Measure Each Section

    • Use a Tape Measure: For accuracy, use a long tape measure.
    • Measure Length and Width: For each simple shape in your sketch, measure the length and width. If it’s a triangular area, measure the base and height.
    • Record Measurements: Write down each measurement on your sketch. It’s best to measure in meters or feet, depending on your preference and the calculator's settings.

    2. Calculate Area for Each Section

    • Use the Calculator: For each section of your room, use the tile area calculator to determine the area.
      • For rectangles and squares, multiply length by width.
      • For triangles, use 12×base×height21×base×height.
    • Add Each Area to the Calculator: After calculating the area for one section, add it to the total using the 'Add to Total' button on the calculator.

    3. Sum Up the Total Area

    • Check Total Area: Once all individual sections are added, the calculator will display the total area of the floor.
    • Account for Waste: It’s always good to add about 10% extra to the total area to account for waste and cuts, especially in an odd-shaped room.

    5. Additional Tips

    • Measure Twice: Always measure each section twice to ensure accuracy.
    • Consider Obstacles: If there are permanent fixtures or obstacles, subtract their area from the total floor area.
    • Consult Professionals: If the room is very complex, consider consulting with a tiling professional for the best approach.

    By following these steps, you can accurately measure an odd-shaped room for tiling. Remember to use the calculator to add together the areas of the different sections, which will give you the total area needed for tiling. This method ensures that you purchase enough tiles, including extra for cutting and waste.